In order to earn money online, you’ll first have to set up a way to accept online payments. There are many ways you can make money online without doing a single day of MLM marketing or having a website (TRUST ME! Follow my blog and you’ll see) although both are great ways to earn revenue online, it’s not the only way. You can do this by creating a PayPal payment account. If you decide to start a website, blog, or hub to make income online, it’s good to have a PayPal account because PayPal is the only payment method some website, blogs, and/or hubs use to disburse Program payments.
What I love about PayPal is that it is the safer, easier way to pay and get paid online. The service allows anyone to pay in any way they prefer, including through credit cards, bank accounts, PayPal Smart Connect or account balances, without sharing financial information. Whether you’re selling a product or service online or running a content-based website and want to be able to accept donations, learning how to accept payments online with PayPal, a popular online payment processing provider, is a good idea. You can even create invoices and send it directly to your customers email for them to pay it online.
PayPal has different member account levels, including personal, premiere (I suggest), and business accounts (also a good choice). If you want to accept payments online with PayPal, you should register for a premiere or business account. Here are the differences for merchants between those two options:
Premiere PayPal Accounts – Premiere PayPal accounts allow you to accept payments online under your own name. Premiere accounts are assessed a small transaction fee for each incoming payment accepted, as opposed to a personal account.
Business PayPal Accounts – The biggest difference between a Premiere PayPal account and a Business PayPal account is that a business account allows you to accept payments under your business name (ideal if you don’t want to do business under your own name). Another benefit is that access can be set up for multiple users, which can be an advantage if more than one person must be able to access account information.
If you already have a PayPal account it’s very simple to upgrade to a FREE premiere account. To do this login in to your PayPal account. Click my account. Underneath the my account tab, you’ll see the overview tab, click that. Once you are on the overview landing page, directly under the overview tab, you’ll see your account type which says personal. Click upgrade account next to account type. You’ll be given the option to upgrade to a premiere PayPal account.
To create a PayPal account, click on your country below to get started:
- If you are American: PayPal US
- If you are Canadian: PayPal Canada

Thanks, I set up a Paypal account using your link. look forward to learning how I can make money from home!